“The most important trophies, as with life, are always those that are hunted on the highest, difficult and inaccessible peaks, next to the rocks of the sky”
Ricardo Meden San Juan, Weatherby award, 1977.

Our company is born from the hands of Guillermo Rowe,
(Professional hunter) after 30 years of dedication to hunting and conservation of nature. More than 1,000 hunts organized successfully endorse us. We hunt in Spain, one of the most popular destinations chosen by hunters from all over the world and where we have 13 hunting species of Big Game.
Our main dedication is hunting to mountain stalking, being experts in this discipline. We have a team of professionals who will attend your needs at all times and make your trip to our country a dream come true.

Empresa especializada en Monterías en España, Montería en Sevilla, Montería en Cordoba, Montería en Andalucía, Montería en Extremadura, Montería en España, Jóvenes Monteros, Fincas Cercadas, Jabalíes, Cercón de Jabalíes, Montear, rehalas Sevilla, Monterías con garantía, monterías de calidad, grandes trofeos. Macho montés (Spanish Ibex). Monterías para esta temporada: montería Las Corchas, Los Quintos, La Encinilla, Chin Chin, Los Peñoncillos, Las Cumbres, El Romeral, Los Quintos de San Martín, Arrusal, Ficcar, Surcaza, Recechos en España, Muflones, venados, macho montés, Gamos, Jabalies, corzo, Rebeco, Lobo.